It was selected in 1986 by INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research) – the French institution for agricultural research. The hybrid variety Maraval, which is a cross between a European chestnut (Castanea sativa) and a Japanese (Castanea crenata), is medium-yielding and disease-resistant. The tree is upright with moderate habit and medium height. This allows for denser orchards than with other hybrid varieties. The variety is not very demanding on the soil and is suitable for planting up to 600m above sea level. After planting the grafted chestnut tree, it begins to bear fruit in the 4th to 5th year and the yields increase, as the tree ages. The nut is very large, almost 4cm, mahogany coloured and triangular to elliptical in shape. It can be stored well under dry storage condition. Harvesting usually begins in the second week of October. Due to the early sprouting, the variety is somewhat sensitive to late frosts in spring. The peculiarity of the Maraval variety is its ability to produce a large amount of pollen for the chestnut garden. A single tree can provide pollen for trees more than 70 meters away. It is important that the Maraval chestnut variety is also self-pollinating and can therefore also be planted as a single tree. The variety is also known for its resistance to root rot and chestnut blight.




Hight and growth

Medium size 11-20m

Tree form and crown

Upright straight with rounded crown






Perfect pollinator variety


Harveststarts after the 4th year


Large - almost 4cm

Shell & pericarp

Mahogany coloured, triangular to elliptical, thin skin, easy to peel


Tender and sweet


Starting second week of October

Winter hardiness

Good winter hardiness down to -21°C

Frost susceptibility

Slightly susceptible in spring

Disease resistance

Especially resistantto root rot and chestnut blight




Good, when stored under dry conditions

Soil requirements

well-aerated, deep soil, pH 5.5-7.0

Site requirements

Sunny, wide open side