Outstanding Walnut trees for increased Yields

We are shipping trees until middle of April. So do not hesitate to contact us to get your special offer including delivery to your door all over Europe.

Who are we?

Our walnut tree nursery is a small family-run business, located not far from Danube River in the north of Bulgaria. We specialize in grafting selected varieties of walnut trees and in producing walnut seedlings for the forestry sector or for other nurseries to use them as quality rootstocks. 


Our grafted walnut varieties grow brilliantly on different soil conditions as well as in several climate regions. Accordingly every cultivar has its own preferences and dislikes. We are very keen to help you choosing the most suitable variety. 


Walnut species, that have become more and more important in the past years, are Chandler, Fernor, Lara, Alsószentiváni 117,Milotai 10, Fernette, Franquette and Tulare.


Also, more exclusive walnut varieties like red kernelled varieties are getting more and more attention. Currently we have one of those varieties in our program: Red Livermore.

How to plan your walnut orchard?

To achieve perfect growth for your future walnut trees there is a need to approach planning in an advanced manner. Is soil appropriate for growing Chandler or walnuts in general? Is rainfall too little for raising Fernor or shall I decide on Lara because of colder summer conditions? There are further questions that need to be answered prior to choosing your breed and we are willing to support you accordingly.

When you finally decide, we are able to provide you with organically certified walnut trees from our nursery, so you will soon be able to harvest your own organic walnuts. By the way, all of our high-yield varieties are being grafted on virus-free root stocks (Juglans regia).

Scientific horticultural knowledge

Our quality in grafting is not only based upon practical expertise but we also include recent scientific knowledge to improve grafting process and to receive the best quality walnut trees. Doing so we are able to increase success rates in grafting.

Furthermore, we are able to provide you with our walnut saplings at very competitive rates due to our favorable location.

We love nature and the environment

Since the beginning of our walnut nursery, we have focused ourselves on a sustainable and ecologically clean agriculture. Our mission is to keep our nature safe from pollution. We are doing all of this, because we want that our children grow in a preserved and clean environment. 


Walnut trees play their role naturally when it comes to making our world more sustainable. They also provide us with most delicious fruits. Walnut kernels, best in organic quality, are loved worldwide for their taste and their nutritious value. Therefore it is our wish as well as our joy to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Why you should decide to buy trees from Walnuts Bulgaria?

  • Quality –The quality of our walnut trees is outstanding after years of experience
  • Price – our region is financially very competitive in terms of production costs, which allows us to offer the best prices for walnut trees all over Europe
  • Trust – working for more than 10 years with Walnut trees
  • Organic certified – we work hand in hand with Mother Nature to produce our walnut saplings in the most sustainable way
  • Productive varieties – we grow the walnut varieties with the highest yields
  • Phytosanitary control– all our trees undergo regular tests and are free of sicknesses
  • Competent consultation – we consult you with pleasure and find the right walnut variety for your local circumstances and answer any related question

Why invest in planting walnut orchards?

  • Future-oriented
  • Strongly increasing demand
  • High yields and good profit opportunities Is often very well subsidized financially
  • Valuable wood – retirement provision!
  • Climate-friendly (positive CO2 balance)
  • Sustainable in times of climate change - great alternative to traditional agriculture
  • Less susceptible to diseases – very well possible in organic cultivation


During what time of the year should I plant my Walnut trees?

The tree needs to be planted during winter season, when the walnut tree is fully dormant. Depending on your local condition this will be between November and March. It is very important that the temperatures are cool so that the root does not dry out during the planting process and that the dormant tree does not wake up before being planted. Part of the right planting process is irrigation in order to give the walnut tree the best possible start into its long life. Throughout the dormant period the planting can take place only when it is above 0°C so the root does not get frost damage.

In what parts of the world can I plant successfully walnut trees?

Walnut trees can be cultivated all over the world mainly in temperate climate zones. 


The limiting factors are too high summer temperatures, too low winter temperatures and late frost events in spring as well as too little water. The water issue can be solved artificially in some circumstances but the temperature issues are not possible to be influenced.


Of course, to choose a late flowering variety gives you the possibility to avoid late frost damage or to choose winter hard varieties gives you the possibility to plant also in colder climates. 


General speaking walnuts can get significantly damaged in temperatures over 42°C and below -23°C. Very high and very low temperatures can have a significant higher damaging effect, if they occur in spring or autumn, which means e.g. in periods where the tree just wakes up. In this period, not only the temperature, but also the intensity of the sun radiation can also have a damaging effect.

What conditions are best for growing your walnut tree?

General speaking a walnut tree needs well drained soils and loves sunny conditions.


The best soil for the development of a walnut tree is deep sandy loam, which is well drained.  The Walnut tree can grow in pH range of 5-8, but is perfect around 6.5. If it is too acid and very close to 5 or too alkaloid close to 8 the tree does not die but cannot develop in a perfect manner. In the case of too acid soil conditions the pH can be fixed with chalk.


The other way around with too high pH levels is a bit trickier, but possible with e.g.mulch of conifer needles and woodchips. In terms of sunshine a walnut tree needs to have around 6-8 hours to develop well and reach good yields.


Another factor, which needs to be considered before establishing your walnut orchard, is the need of the walnut root to develop freely to a depth of at least 3m. So if there are underlying rock formations the trees can not develop as good as possible.


Further harmful for the walnut development is waterlogging, not to be mixed up with sallow ground water levels, which are very helpful circumstances. Water logging, depending on where in the world you are located, happens after rainfalls if the soil is too compact or if it is not enough drained.

Walnut harvest

The harvest is from September to October, depending on the walnut variety and can bring per tree up to 50kg of nuts. Depending on the scale of orchard or whether you grow walnuts in your garden you have to pick the harvest strategy. If you are a hobby grower and you have a small orchard you will have to wait until the walnuts drop naturally off the tree after ripening. In this case you will also need to find a dry place for them to dry. 

If you are a professional grower you will need to invest in harvesting and drying equipment.